For something different and potentially useful, I made the jump into the world of 3D printing recently. Did a heap of research in to the printers and found one at a good price point for an initial foray into this creative world. While they aren’t as cheap as your average […]

3rd day on the road. Today being the first day of reconnaissance. Awesome start to the day. The Saturday stages are looking fantastic. Roads are in great condition. Still found some puddles to play in though. Managed to put all the rally decals on the car, so that’s now looking […]
Another day, more driving

There are not many numbers left in the count down. We head north in two days. Recce in 4 days. Rally start in 5 days. Most of the To Do list has been completed. Scrutineering passed happily with some minor suggestions to attend to. One of which involved being under […]
Rally Whangarei count down

Clearly blog writing shouldn’t be one of my goals since I quite clearly suck at keeping up with it. However, I’m gonna try again. So welcome to 2018, we’re only 1/3 of the way through the year so far, so why not do a blog. Because we enjoyed Rally NZ […]
2018. New goals.

Not that we are counting or anything. Preparations are well under way. And our entry has been accepted. So we’re seeded at 46th out of 54 entries and 6th in our class (*cough* of 6 *cough) in Open 4WD. But […]
T minus 16 days….
So, with 23 days left until the rally, I find myself with a slight issue of no service crew. Despite motorsport being thought of as a solo sport, it really isn’t. In the car, there are two of us, one playing with the knobs and levers and pretending I… I […]
Crew needed
Apologies to my avid readers. Both of them. 🙂 This year has been quite mental. However, the rally plans are in full swing and scarily, the entry form has been sent off. So with 36 days remaining (I really wish I hadn’t calculated that) preparations are ramping up. Currently studying […]
Countdown has begun…

So much for blogging more. It’s been just over a month and I haven’t put fingers to keyboard. Whoops. However, it’s not been all fails. The busy times have started. Dual event weekend back in mid Feb with Millstream Road. Nice piece of gravel road up near Dannevirke. Lesson learned […]
Goal fail

So, 2017 has turned up and with it, the realisation that my goal of Rally NZ is now less than a year away. Scary. Along with that, 26 other events already on the calendar, no doubt with more to come as events get promoted. Aiming for plenty of seat time […]
2017 and some goals to achieve

I had a couple of wet days over New Years so decided to actually do another section of the build. As you can see, there was a fair amount in it. The mostly completed box two is fairly substantial and […]